Blues  •  Country Blues

Work Songs

Handed down from the days of slavery, work songs helped black field workers pass the time under oppressive social and environmental conditions. They were usually simple, repetitive chants and melodies, easily remembered and modified. Some work songs had a spiritual focus, while others were carefully coded metaphors containing social commentary and/or guidelines for escape. After slavery was abolished, work songs continued to be passed along, especially in black sharecropper families who still worked in the South. The field recordings by the father/son team of John and Alan Lomax, most made during the first half of the 20th century, constitute the primary modern-day source for work songs.

Work Songs Album Highlights

Sounds of the South [4 CDs]
Various Artists Sounds of the South [4 CDs]
Angola Prison Spirituals
Various Artists Angola Prison Spirituals
Blues from the Big House
Various Artists Blues from the Big House
Legends of Country Blues
Various Artists Legends of Country Blues
Angola Prison Worksongs
Various Artists Angola Prison Worksongs