Album Premiere: Solilians, 'Shin,' a Soundtrack for Quiet Reflection

Album Premiere: Solilians, 'Shin,' a Soundtrack for Quiet Reflection

By Chris Steffen

Nov. 9, 2016

Ambient, psychedelic drone band Solilians offers some much-needed serenity on its debut full-length, Shin. A mix of lengthy suites and interstitial transitions, Shin relies on its shimmering textures, unhurried tempos and gentle, distant washes of vocals that could be coming from across a wide chasm to create its hazy, transporting charm. Benjamin Malkin of Solilies describes the record as "a kaleidoscopic potpourri of space drone dreams, from ambient majestry to Jewish psychedelia, slow motion dub to cosmic sci-fi," which is both accurate and bodes well for his potential to moonlight as a music writer. And taking into account the events of the past 24 hours, Malkin hopes Shin offers "a chill intergalactic balm to the screaming election insanity."

Shin is due out November 18 on Goodbye Better and can be ordered via Bandcamp.

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